I love Gibson and her hockey boys. I even love her with her silly cheesy series, but I
spent a lot of time with raised eyebrows while reading this one.
There were a lot of really odd quotes. I don't know if they were meant to be sexy or funny, but there were a lot of comments that just came across as awkward.
"For the record, I'm clean as a monk."
"Me too."
"I know."
"How?" He was so annoying. "Are you a super secret spy and undercover gynecologist?"
"My face was closer to your muffin than your gynecologist. ...I would have noticed."
"You checked me out?"
"Of course. A guy can't be too careful what he puts in his mouth."
While it's wise of him to double check, I felt like that was something I didn't need to know. I was also stopped in my reading tracks by the sentence:
"I'm going to eat your little hot pocket"
That's one of those things that is going to pop into my head every time I'm in the freezer aisle at the grocery store. I get that hot and pocket weren't capitalized, but that's where my mind went.
I feel like I spent more time feeling awkward than into the book. It won't stop me from reading Gibson, but I had been excited going into this book and was left with an ehh.